Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012

| Penang & More . . |

Assalamualaikum. . . 

based on the title, i bet u already know what im about to write doncha? hehehe. . 
nyway, last week (16/3/2012), i went back to my hometown, to catch my breath, and to visit some old place where i used to hang out with my friends and all. .  
it was really nice to see familiar faces and places. . what im trying to say is, its really good to be HOME. .  ^__^

then, on Sunday (18/3/2012), is the journey back to "real life". . see the signs that i put on those words, yea, sarcasm. . -_-
nyway, being positive and all, we decided to take a little detour in our journey and head off to PENANG! ! the closest fun we will ever get, besides HOMETOWN. .  

in Penang, we visited my dearest friend mira (check out her fb page), jalan - jalan, and we actually took the ferry back to the mainland. . 

like what i always say, a picture worth a thousand words, in this case, picturesss. . 
so, here they are. . .

* hehe, as always, the writer kenelah inter frame byk2! hehe on the way back to Ipoh *

* jumpe mira!! long time no c her. miss her much much. ^__^ *

* hehe, got a little excited! or crazy, or . .  hehe *

* took a little stroll on the streets of Penang. . *

* ingat nak DIRI! tapi, all of the above macek2 tak bagi. hohohoho *

* as we were waiting in the car for the ferry ride, this is the outcome of it. ngee~ *

* jgn x caya, skali tgk cam kat Hong Kong plak rasa! hehe *

* kite semua mesti pegi oversea trip one fine day. i dont care when, we just have to go TOGETHER! ! *

* saje tangkap gamba nie, reminds me of TITANIC!! hehehe. *

* lepas posing maut sgale, kenelah tgk hasilnyer ye dak? hehe ^^Y *

haaaa. . .  (exhale)
lega. . . 
akhirnye aku masukkan jugak piece nie in my blog. . .
mcm - mcm perasaan la on that day. . .
suke, gembira, adventure, tired, self-discovery. . .
enjoy, enjoy jugak, tapi kami tak tinggal yang Wajib. . . 
Alhamdulillah. . .

till the next adventure. . 

Yours truly,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

| sangap MCD |

ok, first of all sorry for the use of that word. but thats exactly how i felt at that moment. haha.

its been forever since my last bite of mcd! 
so, a set of BIG MAC, SPRITE, AND VANILLA ICE-CREAM wont hurt. hehe. 

* as if Allah has grant me, my prayers. Alhamdulillah ^^ *

till my next bite, 

Yours truly,

| The Royalty have used it b4?? @.@ |

kum ape combat, bat ape batman, man ape mentol, tol ape tolak, lak ape laksa, sa ape satu, tu ape tunang, nang ape nangka, ka ape kayu, yu ape YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS!! 

hehe. over jap. nywaysss.
soo, arini lelepak ngan roomate gi JJ yang dah berabad lamenye tak pegi tu, *akanmenjadisejarahsahajasetelahjuscobarubukaknanti*, BUT! b4 kitaorg pegi, i pegi lah isi minyak dulu, kalu tak nak gune ape kasi kereta jalan? ayor liur je kee? tak berjalan le gayenyer.. 

then, tgah duk isi minyak, tetibe kereta antik ROLLS ROYCE masuk parking isi minyak sebelah kereta aku! perghh! 
dengan rase ohsemnyer, aku pun meneleng2 and menjeling2 kereta antik yang kemain lawanyer. memberanikan diri, aku pun tanyerlah uncle tu. . .

" uncle uncle, saye mau tangkap gamba dengan uncle pnyer kelete boleh ah? "

uncle jawap:
" boleh boleh, ha, mari sini tangkap, mari sini i bukak pintu u masuk dalam tangkap gamba dalam kelete. " 

HAAAAAAAA. . . *bunyik ohsem*

* such an amazing carrrr. woww. *

* interior superb! i am 1 lucky girl. ^^ *

uncle tu explain lagi, kereta Rolls Royce nie kepunyaan Sultan Perak suatu ketika dahulu. and this car is approximately 55 YEARS OLD. such an old and antic car!! im amazed! 

baru sedar tentang ketaksuban diri sendiri. i think i have a soft spot for old antic car. one of my dreams is to drive the beetle! The Bug!! oh dear, how i wish to drive that car! hehe. 

till the next antic car, ^^

Yours truly,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

| haha apelah u nie ^_^ |

apelahhh! ingat kite xde no die lettuw.. hehehheehehe.. 


Yours truly, 

| entertainment search ^^ |

haaa, bagi salam plak this time. 
so as u can read the title above, the 7 pretty awesome fun-loving girls went on a little road trip, yesterday (10/3/2012 Saturday). 

its only been the first week of "Student Life" and ive already regretting the fact that i will be alone again going through the "life".
i refuse to feel DOWN and SAD about it, for there's nothing i can gain from it. instead, WE SEARCH FOR FUN!!! 

thou, its only around Perlis and Kedah, but the journey to those places that meant something. ^_^

so, as usual, here are some pixs of it . . . 

* pegi solat lmbat skit, tapi takpe coz boleh smbung Maghrib tros. sonang berjalan. hehe venue: UUM's Mosque. *

*marilah kite berdoa bersama-sama agar segala anasir-anasir dan kerunsingan yang menyelubung hari-hari kite pergi jauh dari kite agar hidup sentiasa disinari mentari ^^ dan dirahmatiNya. Amin~ *

* selepas solat, snap pix for memories keeping. ^_^ *

* quoted Chucky from child's play: "i'll be your friend till the end" ^^ *

* gave this pix to Mr.Cuddle. hehe. ape la dlm pale otak die bile tgk gambo nie ye? ^^ *

* bawak deme jejalan tmpat aku melepak dlu. hehe. *

* ila tak reti gune my phone. huwarggh. that phone mmg nak kene bagi pengajaran skit! hehe ^^ *

* my very first jersey! yeayy! 22 stands for the 22 years ive lived on this planet. *

* gambar bersama mereka. sorilah ekin, x nmpak kamu. hehe. tpi takpe, gambar lagi 1 kamu ader. hehe. another sweet memory to cherish and to tell to the "kids" later on in life. ngee! *

so, thats it for now. more to come. 
yang baik dijadikan teladan, yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. 
tingkatkan prestasi, kurangkan Bullshit. ^^

Yours truly,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

| if only i knew. . . |

so, by reading the title of this entry, it clearly symbolizes REGRET. 
in my religion, it is not encourage to feel any type of regret because there might be a silver lighting, but i just don't see it this time around. 
i am really sure i regret about everything that had happened.
for sure it wasn't supposed to happen like this, but sadly it did.
i don't understand what's in her mind. i really don't. 
it seems like this catastrophic thing might just never end! its like one thing after another, and im SICK of it!! 

why are u acting this way? always making me feel like hating u more and more? why? 
i don't want to hate u but obviously ur making me. . 
is that what u really want?? to FIGHT?? 

this is not what i bargain for. clearly. u are becoming someone else who i wish i had never met. or maybe meet u somewhere else and not HERE!
coz, if we see each other in different place, we might not end up like this. just might. who knows. 
we used to be good, right? don't u remember? of course u don't, u've got new things in ur life, brighter, easier, much more convenient for u. u said u understands, but it seems like u don't?.. do u REALLY understands?.. T,T
what ever happen to us? i loved u once. i still love u, but . . . 
i dont think ur my people. .  
such a sad story this is. . 
ur a nice person, but i wish u knew better than writing hurtful things to someone who once were urs, and now u just throw them away and left them like shit. .
before u judge someone, u might as well judge urself first. u aint that angelic anyway, so dont go pretend like an angel coz ur not. such a sad story this is. 

hope this explains it why im being so honest about my feelings. im being real. 
if u wish to write something back about this, feel free to do so, but just remember, writing back and forth like this is not going to fix anything. im giving u a hint here. come to me and we'll talk. 
its a chance.
take it or leave it. 
ur choice. 

there are so much more i want to write down in here, but i think that's it for now, or i might shed some tears in my eyes. 

" life's a bitch, but that's just how we love them "

Yours truly,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

| Dah Tengok |

morning peeps! 

nak bgtau nie. kite dah nampak syiling yang baru laa. its not that bad. 
korunk aderr???? ^___^

*yang nie part belakang. This is the new coin of 2012. *

* ha nie part depan die. lawa2 jgak. kalor mcm syiling rm1 dlu, tpi light skit. |

baru dpat tgk yang Rm0.20 jer. Deena kate ader Rm0.50, and mcm2 lagi. 
CANT WAIT TO SEE IT! *excited*
till then.

Yours truly,

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